Inclusitivity Intuitively

“So, what’s the deal man?” “Just life, feeling super down and deflated. ” “Why?” “No one relates to me. People think I’m unreal about how I say not all men. While the men think I’m soft and pander in reverse. Racism shouldn’t be conversed so I get treated like the wors”…

Stop….you’re killing me bro…sit back and absorb more than yourself. Your ego and craving for comfort is the reason you’re feeling as small as an elf. All these excuses ppsing as reasons please put on the shelf. The coldness you feel isn’t all consuming or vindictive, it’s a case of people who finally found peace, often years after they’ve finally had enough. On the scales weighted, life then and now, you have to blatantly see how the joy is deep in sel actualization, far different than self absorption, which is only acceptable in infants. I get it, we have have points in our life where we’re overly indulgent and apathetic and emotionally distant. And the fortunate ones get it, hit it, and split from it in an instant. Insecure is the red herring of adjectives it sticks out and reeks up the place without even an action. In body language and expressions, silence as well as falsely brave voices and actions. 

Some may never forgive, or like.truthfully, think how many people who are of color, women, lbgtqia feel after generations of devestation. Yet those who arr priveleged have the gull to yuck a buncha yums. Yeah, cats and dogs are all that, and often better than people who want all the emotional sensation but have the gusto and embrace of ameobas and are overall just taxing, especially not realizing the shadows and deep dives that have been known to save lives. Instead feasting off the system’s lies, artifice highs.  Floating on a cloud, while leaving a floater, just playing, gonna hit the dial and wash away when it’s all over. Toke and evoke and drift for awhile all comfy and alone and that’s way better than the space being invaded by judgy and self serving, toxic guests who impose uninvited. When you’re a guest in any space, be open be kind and yes speak your mind…but don’t center yourself or impose to silence the original ground in which all of these issues are found. Want to get of the proverbial ish list? Do the work, be genuine, learn, study, improve, reflect and include… Don’t run from accountability or new information. Know when to.say know to certain infatuations and screw kudos, cause you know…what’s good and right is gold…even if you feel unseen, eventually, genuine goodness stands the test of time and gets held to the light.

About insanitysuperman

My gift To you is my word, and my expression. To take or not To take is simple your choice.
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